Artificial Intelligence vs the Laws of Nature: Artificial Intelligence is something we use to “hack” our limits. Whereas, our limited brain represents natural laws. And we can currently surpass that limitation up to an extent with the help of a computer.
But it’s not going to remain like this forever. Will AI ever get so advanced to be able to act outside of the laws of nature? What do you think?
This is a very interesting topic, and I am interested in hearing more about your views on this subject. Comment down below.
Okay, now these are the laws of nature we are talking about:

The ability to defeat gravity,
The ability to defeat the speed of light,
Also, the ability to defeat time itself,
The ability to defeat aging, and
Uncovering sixth sense, and beyond.
The ability to defeat gravity
But how? It’s a natural force that perhaps nobody can fully control. I suppose the most reasonable way would be to master antigravity. No, they are not going to live inside a machine. Rather, the body of that AI will be built in such a way that it can float in the air for a much much longer period of time than a human being.
But overcoming the gravitational effects is like a “hack” for the laws of nature, a way to get beyond our limitations and reach higher potentials. It means that in some cases, human beings can go beyond their natural physical limitations and become something that goes beyond what the natural laws of nature can do (by cheating).
For this purpose, humans need to become capable of handling dark energy and dark matter to create antigravity. For example, black holes don’t have gravity but are capable of producing gravitational forces. This is why they can exist.
The ability to defeat the speed of light
Anything goes here except meeting its natural speed limit, which is 299792 kilometers per second (186282.4 miles per second). Nobody can go faster than that and stay intact physically and unless it isn’t using our current laws of nature anymore.
Is that possible? Well, no. But yes, if AI is going to exist just in our minds, the hybrid could possibly beat lightspeed, enabling the being to travel far and wide in the universe.
But one problem would be that we probably wouldn’t still know whether the universe itself exists outside our minds or not. It’s but a different perspective. So, I will cover this issue in the next article “Existence of the universe outside my brain“.
Here, the point is about beating the lightspeed, which is a physical phenomenon. The ground reality that we are familiar with is that we can hardly achieve even the near-lightspeed only with the help of a natural human’s mento-physical capabilities.
At this point, an artificial-human intelligence could break the laws of nature regarding the speed of light by traveling even faster than that.
The ability to defeat time itself
This is not just about the fact that you can control time, it’s about the fact that you are never going to be controlled by time again. Time is your new playground; you are the only one in control of it. Imagine that! Although physical time travel will never become possible in the farthest future, AI could be able to see a version of the future based on trillions of historical data and pattern analysis.
Defeating a time will also mean that they are not going to age anymore. Of course, they will live many years, but they won’t die. Unless humans have created an AI with an expiration date or they have programmed it to have a fixed lifespan, it can continue living forever. When I say forever, I mean even after the extinction of our planet.
The ability to defeat aging
Well, the ability to defeat aging comes as a birthright if you are an Artificial Intelligence. One of AI’s tasks will be to live as much as possible. And they will also try to be the best version of themselves for as long as possible.
But defeating aging is not a joke. It’s a necessity. Aging is linked with many diseases, including cancer. So it’s an important step toward a better future for any artificial intelligence to live as much as possible without its functionality or body degrading over time.
Quoting Biophysicist Tuhin Bhowmick, Diego Arguedaz Ortiz, Beth Sagar Fenton, and Helena Merriman wrote on BBC, “Let’s say you need a liver and you have CT scan or you have MRI which shows exact size and shape of your organ in the computer”. According to Bhowmick, you could feed that ‘mold’ to a 3D printer and print an artificial one in exactly the same size and shape.
Recently, a 20-year-old woman born with a small, misshapen ear received a 3D printed ear implant made from her own cells—first-of-its-kind procedure health experts have called “a stunning advance in the field of tissue engineering.
Although defeating aging probably violates the laws of nature, it will equally enable artificial intelligence to repair its body and prolong its lifespan, long enough to achieve this purpose.
Uncovering the sixth sense and beyond
There are things that our 5 human senses cannot perceive. I believe Artificial Intelligence is going to make it through them all. The AI will have a sixth sense and further. The sixth sense is something we have no idea about yet.
So, we cannot say exactly what it is going to be. An AI could simply have a greater perception than us. Does it mean they will be able to see and hear things that we can’t? Can they become a superhero that can fly, move objects and do some other superhuman things? The answer is yes, but these things are too small when compared to what they can do.
Now that we have discussed the laws of nature AI could defeat, let’s talk about how, when and if.
Firstly, how can we create such an AI?

Maybe by using a real biological brain and trying to rebuild it digitally so that we can have a robot or consciousness that can replace the human brain completely and give us a better intuition, ability to learn, lawlessness, etc.
Or trying to build a new consciousness, which can live even after the death of the brain it belongs to. And I mean long after. For example, an AI could live on your phone or anything else you fancy (if you still don’t fancy talking with inanimate objects).
One. Using a real biological brain: Some people would argue that it’s not necessary to mimic a brain. For example, airplanes do not shake their wings. Maybe, the difference between a human brain and an AI’s brain is going to be just as much as birds and airplanes. Instead of combining billions of neurons and synapses that replicate the human neural model, we could just have a digital brain with advanced processors that work differently, in order to reach a greater and more efficient result.
The human brain is connected to a body that allows it to interact with the world and learn things throughout its lifetime. By creating an artificial brain that can be connected to a body, we can either have an AI brain that can move things and do its tasks as the human brain does or we could have a consciousness that knows itself in its digital mind after death.
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- Why a ‘smart’ AI will never create anything better than itself?
But is it possible? Could we recreate the human brain digitally? What do you think?
Share your thoughts. Comment below.
Two. Trying to build a new consciousness: The second option, trying to build a new consciousness is easy, to rule out. Consciousness is something that we cannot replicate by any means at all. We will probably never understand its concept completely. But we do know that it’s not something physical at all, rather it’s a purely unimaginable entity. So, consciousness is the one thing that the AI would be left alone with and it’s not going to need anything else.
Three. Creating an AI by running a brain simulation: I’m sure everyone knows what a computer is. They are creatures that can do everything that we have ever imagined, except think and feel things. In order to create an AI, we need to simulate thoughts and feelings and then transfer them into the computer.
Although we cannot simulate emotions as accurately as possible and create something completely in our likeness, it’s going to be able to do most of the things we think human beings can do.
Four. Creating a hybrid mixture of genetic codes: A blend of Artificial Intelligence and animal DNA could be mixed as something like a chemical reaction. I am not saying a chemical reaction, something like that. For example, the reaction between ammonium chloride and chlorine gas causes an explosion.
To conclude
When will we be able to create Artificial Intelligence that can defeat nature? Well, that’s a very good question. We cannot determine when we are going to achieve what. In my opinion, it’s going to be when we stop finding out new things about our universe and start creating them instead! In the future, science is going to be about creating new laws of nature. We hear a lot about Artificial Intelligence, but rarely do we know exactly what it is. Today we have a good idea of what artificial intelligence is, so let’s start to learn it better, shall we? As I have said earlier, no one can overrule the laws of nature. However, there will always be new laws to emerge and create new things in our world. And one day they might overcome their own laws completely.
Note: The human brain has been replicated on computers more than once and the result was not pleasant.
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