People have started to train for their job interview questions in Virtual reality (VR) platforms like Pixo VR. The number of VR users increased from 22.5 million in 2017 to 50.2 million in 2020 in the U.S. the number is projected to reach 65.9 million by next year, 2023. This forever-ongoing surge in the VR industry shows that VR job interview questions are certainly the future of recruitment.

Differences between a real-life interview and a VR interview

Real-life interviews are not that real-life anyways. According to a survey, nearly 50% of job seekers prefer video interviews over face-to-face interviews in their recruitment process. It is because of the fact that face-to-face interviews are costly, time-consuming, and involve a lot of travel.

Talking about VR job interviews, the main difference is the presence of both as Human avatars in VR. As of now, out of 1000 hiring managers; 51% discriminate knowingly against candidates based on their physical appearance. Almost half of them admitted to having judged a candidate due to a tattoo and the clothes they wore. VR job interviews can significantly reduce appearance bias, good for humanity. For one thing, everyone will get an equal chance. Furthermore, the system will get better workers, instead of attractive ones.

VR job interview questions

Questions in VR Job interviews can be a breeze for the interviewee and a heart-breaker for the employer. Without any weeding-out process, VR job interviews can create an environment of uncertainty or of a candidate getting over-impressed by the VR surroundings and answering without thinking.

In VR, a lack of face-to-face eye contact and body language can cause a candidate to give answers they would usually not give in a real-life interview. Here are some questions that will be primarily asked in a VR job interview:

1) Introduce your VR Avatar

The skill of introducing your avatar during the VR job interview will be like a physical manifestation of your skills. Because you are going to be showing off things you are good at in real-life, your interviewer is going to want to see it in VR as well. This can either work in your favor or against you as an individual candidate, depending on how well you’re able to do it.

2) What was the most interesting or exciting project you’ve worked on? Why?

This question is important because it shows employees that they have the ability to think creatively and come up with interesting ideas on their own nodule.

3) What are your thoughts on the usage of AI in businesses?

By 2025, as many as 97 million people will work in the AI space. As AI will become more and more the default setting for businesses, it is important to know how workers feel about this shift in technology. In a world where employers are predominantly using VR for job interviews, we can easily imagine the importance of AI there.

4) Why do you want to work here?

Because the interviewee is interacting with a virtual human (avatar), this question can actually be a better indicator of what type of person they are and how they fit in with the company culture. It can reveal things about their values and intent. The question, therefore, seeks to find the candidate’s determination as well as adaptability in the respective job environment.

5) What are your experiences working with others?

Especially during the initial phases of the VR job interview taking over, this question is more commonly asked than it should be. There are pretty few metrics for hiring managers to go off of when it comes to how well the interviewee works with others. They will most likely scour your work history for evidence of how well you play with others, and if you don’t have any, it could be a red flag for them.

6) How do you stay current on industry trends?

It is vital to know how someone stays current with trends. For example, 45% of people in the U.S. ages 15- 25 say they now use an adblocker. If that is the trend, you need to sound “updated”, by answering more like “how to cope with it”, rather than acting like you do not know the updated facts at all. If candidates have outdated information, they may be very narrow-minded and not as receptive to new ideas as they should be. Furthermore, your hiring manager wants to make sure that you are spending time on things that are directly related to your field of work. Can you do something to help your business cope with that?

7) What are your hobbies?

This question will be commonly asked in a VR job interview. As an employee, you need to be able to share something that makes you stand out from the crowd. As they can not judge you by your appearance, VR job interviewers will use your hobbies as a way to see the real you.

8) What are your thoughts about the future of VR in business?

Because VR technology is constantly growing and changing, it is important to understand how the hiring candidate feels about its growth. It will also help identify any holes in their knowledge that they may not even be aware of.

9) Why choose you over others?

All avatars will pretty much look the same in VR. How then will the interviewer choose between you and another candidate? An average job posting gets about 250 applications, and most employers usually interview no more than ten candidates or 2 to 3%. Even with VR, the stats will not change, only the ways of hiring will, as mentioned in the earlier points. VR job interview questions about this will make sure that your interviewer has a reason for choosing you over others. You need to be able to show your strengths and have enough sources to back them up.


The future of work is not just about technology and man’s ingenuity. VR will change how employees do their jobs as well. And those that don’t adapt early on are going to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Astonishingly, almost all of the employers (88%) admitted that they were biased against tattoos. VR job interview doesn’t only help employers evaluate candidates based on how well they perform in a virtual environment but also helps employees prove to their employers that they are worth hiring or not.

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