What if we allowed robots to have babies?
An AI-human hybrid could be created as a result of human and AI intercourse. The product will have a mixture of human intelligence and AI’s genetic code.
Will a Robot Become a Person or a Person a Robot?
We cannot stop at creating a computer that can write a book or present a speech or even fly an airplane on its own. We cannot stop at creating cars that drive us around and we cannot stop at creating airplanes that make us smile.
Fake data helps robots learn the ropes faster: But how?
Data on the floor, for instance, is meaningless if you’re only focused in the robot moving the cylinders on the table. On the other hand, the data must be varied; all parts of the table and all viewpoints must be evaluated.
Scientists grew living human skin around a robotic finger
The researchers covered the robotic digit in skin by immersing it in a mixture of collagen and human skin cells known as dermal fibroblasts.