10 Coolest Haptic Feedback Devices Currently on the Market
Haptic feedback devices bring a tangible dimension to accessibility, turning it into something you can feel. Haptic feedback is not...
The impact of Technology on the Future of Retirement
People of the 65+ age group (who are most likely retired) are using very less tech in their retired lives. But guess what? The stats are about to change.
If the first computer video game represented the 1960s, here’s how far we’ve come in tech
1962's Spacewar (created by MIT) is widely recognized as the first computer video game. But if we dig into the...
Best of 3D Printing (2023)
3D printing is a surprisingly old technology, existing since the 1980s. That was when Chuck Hull invented the stereolithography apparatus....
Top Emerging Technology in Each Sector 2023
Technology just keeps on changing its form with additional innovations. Historically, we have witnessed that the very present always seems...
Ideal Internet Speed for Each Purpose
The average internet speed in the US is 45 Mb/s. The ideal internet speed, however, depends on the user's purpose....
The Downfall of the Social Media Trend
People's attraction to any platform or channel ebbs and flows over time. The trend of social media is no different....
Different Ways and Devices for Vehicle Tracking
Racers have long used tracking devices for vehicle performance measurement, but now there are other purposes for these devices. Car...
Digital Identity and Examples
Our identification, along with currency, residence, and education, has become digital. China has the largest digital population with 1.02 Billion...
Introduction and types of virtual keyboards
Introduction A virtual keyboard is a computer input device that allows users to type characters without using physical buttons. With...