Oracle Corporation, an American multinational computer technology company, has introduced new artificial intelligence features customized for financial operations. These features are designed to help businesses optimize operations, compete effectively, and make informed decisions in today’s dynamic market environments.

Working together with Cohere, an AI startup led by ex-Google staff, Oracle has heavily invested in advanced technologies such as Nvidia chips to ensure exceptional performance. Unlike typical AI chatbots, Oracle’s AI is modified to meet specific business requirements.

Steve Miranda, Oracle’s executive vice president, said that the customer-centric approach, with over 50 AI applications integrated into Oracle Fusion Applications.

“We are committed to delivering innovation that matters to our customers, and the combination of OCI, Fusion Applications, and the thousands of customers that use these applications daily enables us to continually improve our services and deliver best-in-class AI,” reports cited Miranda as saying.

These applications cover finance, supply chain, HR, sales, marketing, and customer service, respecting data privacy and security.

According to Miranda, it offers tools for generating reports, simplifying complex data, and aiding tasks like drafting job descriptions and negotiating with suppliers. What’s important to note is that human oversight is incorporated to guarantee accuracy and reliability.

“With additional embedded capabilities and an expanded extensibility framework, our customers can quickly and easily take advantage of the latest generative AI advancements to help increase productivity, reduce costs, expand insights, and improve the employee and customer experience,” Miranda explained.

Oracle’s Guided Journeys framework is unique because it lets organizations customize their AI tools to fit their specific needs. This flexibility enables quick innovation and easy adaptation to changes in the market, all supported by Oracle Cloud’s strong infrastructure. (Source here)

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