Artificial Super Intelligence: Transcending Imagination
With the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence, transitioning from basic algorithms with specialized rules to deep learning models featuring groundbreaking...
Will our Future Look Like a Video Game?
You are probably also an avatar in this virtual world. You may also be aware that you are not a human being in real life, but everyone around you still thinks that you are.
What if we could upload our consciousness into a machine and live forever in a simulated existence?
Imagine never having to fight, or be in fear of dying. No more pain or obstacles ever again, while retaining...
What will your age be after coming back from past travel?
So you could have changed the past, but it won’t affect any other universes.
What would you do if you could go back in time and alter your experience?
For the past few days, we have been conducting something like a survey, asking people if they would do anything...