The Future of VR: Personal Universes for Everyone
In the past, the laws of the universe have been limiting us. And they are still, aren't they? We can...
VR Simulating Minds, Changing Realities
Mind simulation based on virtual reality is the next big thing for mankind. We can use VR for anything from...
Can you use Virtual Reality to improve the way you learn languages?
Virtual Reality has been showing its potential to be a powerful tool for learning a new language. It takes time...
Are you ready for life in a virtual real world?
As of now, only 28% of people who own a VR setup use it daily. This statistic should change, not...
Using Virtual Reality (VR) to Manipulate time
Similar to the example of an extended lifespan, it is possible to manipulate time to create an experience that makes people happy and excited.
Our Future with Virtual Artificial Intelligence(VAI)
Virtual Artificial Intelligence(VAI) is the future of artificial intelligence and that means that AR will one day be completely replaced with this technology.
Time Travel Using AI + VR?
Introduction Artificial Intelligence(AI) and time travel have been here for a long time. Although they have nothing to do with...
What if you fall asleep inside Virtual Reality(VR)?
A lot of us could say that VR is a form of lucid dreaming. When you dream, your consciousness is in an alternate reality. In other words, lucid dreaming means being aware you are dreamt.