Does our brain run binary codes, hosts universes?
Does our brain run binary codes? In contrast to the conventional wisdom, some people believe that our brain does indeed...
Is the universe hosted inside your brain?
Space and time are only present when our brains are processing information. When there is no activity in the brain, as in deep sleep, we don’t find space and time at all. The universe takes a backseat and vanishes into oblivion.
A Model of the Universe That can Predict What Comes Next
In order to predict what comes next, this model uses the probability of associated situations to infer a continuous future.
Is the Universe Getting “Younger” with Time?
Hidden in these mind-blowing collisions are clues to how the universe is getting younger, contracting to a smaller, more energetic point. This fact also denies the hypothesis of an expanding universe.
Is our collective consciousness different from the consciousness of each individual?
The collective unconscious influences our lives to a much greater degree than we realize. This unconscious thought stream has the power to influence us subconsciously and directly.
Is the soul more real than neurons and synapses?
Our brains are not just neurons; we need something else – a brain-mind connection – for them to function in the first place.
How many dimensions of human consciousness do we have?
Many people believe in a universal consciousness or a collective unconscious. If this is really true, there could be an infinite number of other dimensions and consciousnesses.
Can I trust my memory of the past?
As it’s an essential phenomenon to survive, we can trust on our memory of the past incase it’s justifiable on the basis of social, cultural and behavioral conditionings.
What if consciousness can exist without being alive?
What if consciousness can exist without being alive? Can this complexity be simulated on computer hardware or is it simply impossible?
Can I know that I’m aware of something before I am aware of it?
Awareness is an act of paying attention to your present state of being, whereas consciousness is just one aspect of beingness.